L1 ACT: Seek opportunity
1. Group exercise: first idea-webshop opportunity for an existing business
1.1. Group members:
- Matthias Reynaert
- Thomas Vandoorne
- Jorick Verschraegen
- Sander Vroman
1.2. First idea of webshop opportunity for an existing business:
Business name: Imschoot bloemisterijbenodigdheden www.imschoot.be
1.3. Describe your business in detail (specify existing customers):
Imschoot Bloemisterijbenodigdheden is a company specialized in trading floricultural products to all horiculturists. They exist for over 50 years and all the time they delivered floristry supplies to their customers. Imschoot's product range exists off plant protection products, fertilizers, equipment and machinery, shielding means, workwear binging materials and personal protection. Beside the B2B-market, Imschoot also supplies the non-professional gardeners off the B2C-market who want to maintain their garden. Plants and so on,... .
1.4. List 3 reasons why this business could benefit from setting up a webshop:
1. They don't have a webshop yet
2. E-commerce is still growing on the Belgian market
3. Even if they don't attract new clients immediately, but they can use the online webshop as a catalogue for existing customers.
1.5. Write down the name of the person you will try to contact:
Jan Imschoot